Do the Write Thing In the News

Beautiful Pearson and Rylei Thompson share what it was like to be recognized as Chicago’s 2024 Do the Write Thing ambassadors.

2023 ambassador Summer Bell shares her personal experience with violence and what inspired her Do the Write Thing essay with CBS Chicago.

Middle schoolers Summer Bell and Jaylen Trice are named the 2023 Do the Write Thing Chicago ambassadors at a recognition dinner.

What toll does witnessing gun violence take? CIS’ Dr. Judith Allen and DtWT ambassadors Summer and Jaylen speak with Sasha-Ann Simons.
Do the Write Thing National Summit 2024

Do the Write Thing National Summit 2023
Experience the Summit through the eyes of our 2023 ambassadors:

Do the Write Thing 2023 ambassadors, Summer and Jaylen, arrive to their hotel in Washington D.C.

All National Ambassadors receive their very own business cards to help them create more connections.

Lorri Lanier, the counselor from CIS school partner Woodson Elementary, and Erika Foreman, the assistant principal at CIS school partner Eberhart Elementary, join Jaylen, Summer, and their moms at the Summit.

Summer and Jaylen enjoy dinner at the residence of the Ambassador of Kuwait. Do the Write Thing was born out of the Kuwait-America Foundation’s desire to reduce youth violence in communities across the United States.

Jaylen and Summer pose with their certificates of recognition.

Jaylen and Summer tour important national monuments, including the U.S. Capitol and the Supreme Court.

Jaylen and Summer meet with Senator Durbin of Illinois and share their thoughts and ideas with his staff.

Jaylen leaves the Supreme Court and heads to the Library of Congress, where the leather-bound book of writings is placed! Middle school students leave D.C. as published authors with their book in the largest library in the world.

Lamar Stewart, Chief of the Community Engagement Unit at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, speaks at the recognition dinner where the students each read an excerpt of their work.